Jon Comstock Is Clear on Issue 1: Lethal for Arkansans

Jon Comstock, a candidate for the Arkansas Senate, is clear on the dangers of Issue 1.

Issue 1 seeks to do several very different things. . . What the first portion of Issue 1 does is to shackle a jury’s ability to determine what they consider to be fair compensation for such things as pain and suffering and wrongful death.  The folks in Little Rock want us to amend our Constitution to put a one-size-fits all cap on damages that will not allow a jury to award non-economic damages in excess of $500,000.00 irrespective of the extent and permanency of injury, the pain and suffering involved, or the death that may result.

In the United States, we have a right to a trial by a jury of our peers. Trial cases are presented to a random selection of 12 everyday men and women. These men and women weigh all the facts presented in court and decide on a verdict. The judge then determines next steps: awarding damages when needed. This process — guilt, innocence, fairness, and damages weighed by an unbiased court — is essentially American. It’s an important part of checks and balances, so we have to protect it at all costs.

As Comstock clearly identifies, Issue 1 would strip the power of the jury to make these essential decisions and instead hand it over to special interests.

Who is behind Issue 1?

Corporations Funding Arkansas Issue 1If you want to know who is behind this issue, answer this question. Who has the most to gain by limiting monetary awards to Arkansans who are tragically injured or killed? These corporations have the most to gain and are funding Issue 1:

  • The Arkansas Chamber of Commerce[15]
  • The Arkansas Medical Society[16]
  • Pulaski County Medical Society[17]
  • Arkansas Trucking Association[17]
  • Arkansas Health Care Association[17]
  • The Poultry Federation[17]
  • Arkansas Hospital Association[17]
  • Arkansas Economic Developers and Chamber Executives[18]

The only way to fight this issue to is to vote in November. Protect your rights. Protect Arkansas families. Share this post with friends and families so they know what’s at stake.